Wednesday 28 June 2023 08:30-09:30 CEST Room L
Peruvian Glaucoma Society - Cheap and Effective Surgical Alternatives Glaucoma Treatment
Chair(s): Juan Alberto Dios (Peru); Wilde Mendoza (Peru);
- Childhood glaucoma treatment my experience
Amy Guevara (Peru) - SLT and MLT: is a good team?
Angel Augusto La Rosa (Peru) - Under Pressure: Making surgical decisions
Verónica Uribe (Peru) - Surgical technique and Effectiveness of low cost glaucoma drainage device
Wilde Mendoza (Peru) - Drain tube insertion: easy and precise
Waldo Loayza (Peru) - 360 degree peeling of the trabecular meshwork in patients with glaucoma
Juan Carlos Molina (Peru)