WGC2025 Hula Girl
JUNE 25 - 28, 2025 - HONOLULU, HAWAII, USA




Are you interested in showcasing your video at WGC-2025?

Submissions are accepted until Friday, November 29, 2024 (23:59 CET).

What is the WGC Film Festival?

The Film Festival aims to put storytelling power in the hands of glaucoma experts and seeks to showcase the role of individuals and communities as champions for glaucoma prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The festival offers a versatile way to learn and spark the conversation about glaucoma in creative ways. It features films directly or indirectly related to glaucoma, that explore and highlight the disease locally, nationally and globally. Our goal is to screen films that demonstrate, educate, inspire and encourage a change, to eliminate blindness and visual disability due to glaucoma around the world.

Selection Process

The film submissions will be judged by an international panel of experts in their field. All selected films will be showcased at the 11th World Glaucoma Congress in Honolulu, Hawaii. The top-3 selected films will be shown in a dedicated Award Session and authors will receive a certificate of recognition.

Guidelines for Film Submission

  • Send your submission via the submission form below. Deadline: Friday, November 29, 2024 (23:59 CET).
  • You can submit a film for one of the below topics:
    • Laser and Surgery
    • Diagnostics / Educational
  • Each producer can only submit one film. The producer may be co-producer of other films.
  • The theme(s) of the film must be related to glaucoma directly or indirectly.
  • Even though disclosure has been made, videos should not promote the use of any commercial product.
  • Opening must include financial interest statement. Financial and proprietary disclosures should be placed right after the title of the film.
  • The video will be peer-reviewed on:
    • Scientific content
    • Applicability/educational value
    • Clarity
    • Cinematic/technical excellence
    • Format and rules compliance: e.g. financial interest disclosure
    • Other criteria as deemed appropriate by the peer reviewers
  • All presentations and materials must be in English (or in original language with English subtitles).
  • The film should be delivered in MP4 format and in high resolution. Please ensure that the film is in the correct format. We strongly recommend that you preview your film in a system other than the one on which it was produced before submission.
  • The World Glaucoma Congress 2025 holds the non-exclusive copyright for all materials to be presented at the congress.

Checklist for submission

  1. Length: The video must not exceed 6 minutes including opening, introduction and closing acknowledgments.
  2. Title: The title should describe the material appropriately.
  3. Description: Explain in max. 80 words what viewers can expect from the video.
  4. Format: Videos may be formatted in MPEG, AVI, WMV, or QuickTime (MOV) with a maximum resolution of 1280×720. Do not use DivX compression.
  5. Definition: We prefer widescreen (16:9) and higher definition files, in MPEG-4 format.
  6. Copyright: Please ensure that you have permission to use any image presented as part of the video. This includes a license for copyrighted material and release forms from any patient(s) recognizable in the video. Use of copyrighted music or materials is forbidden without written authorization. By submitting your video under these instructions, you represent that you have or do not need such authorization and you agree to indemnify and defend the World Glaucoma Association from all claims based on copyright infringement.

Watch the winning films from WGC-2023

FIRST PLACE of Surgical/ Diagnostic Category
Novel Use of the Intra-Operative Optical Coherence Tomography in Trabecular Bypass Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery.

FIRST PLACE of Educational/ Public Health Category
This too shall pass


Abstract submission deadline:
December 16, 2024

Film festival submission deadline:
November 29, 2024

Photo exhibition submission deadline:
November 29, 2024

Early bird registration deadline:
April 2, 2025